Thursday, January 26, 2017

Exercises to Improve Your Game

To be on your game all of the time, you need to make sure that you’re getting in the right work outs. Running is one of the top exercises that will improve your overall game, but some extra work targeting specific muscles will do wonders to your abilities. Ace McCloud, a soccer expert goes in depth on a few workouts that drastically take your talents to the next level.

Squats are one of the best workouts for building up your upper leg muscles. According to the book “Soccer Strategies” by Ace McCloud, “Increasing your squat by 50 pounds can add an extra 10 miles per hour behind your kicks” (McCloud 23). Squats are a great workout for strikers, the ones who have the most shots on goal, but are also useful for defenders as well. Having more power in your legs help when trying to body an opposing player off of the ball. If you don’t know what squats are, you begin by standing with your feet shoulder width apart. Keep your spine straight, stick your butt out, and lower your body until the knees are at a 90-degree angle. If you continuously perform squats correctly, you will see an improvement to the power behind your kicks, and your abilities to defend the opposition.

Uphill Runs:
Uphill runs take sprints to the next level by working out new muscles of the leg. When first performing these exercises your legs will become very sore the next day. This happens because you never work these muscles out. Uphill runs are a great workout because it doesn’t require any extra equipment, all you need is a nice sized hill to become a faster, stronger, and more athletic player. Adding speed to your game helps every position on the field not only on the defensive end, but also on the offensive attack.

There’s hundreds of different workouts that soccer players can do to become faster, stronger, and overall improve their game. These are just two examples that one can do without all of the fancy equipment that the pros use. After reading this blog post did it motivate you to want to get out there and work on your game? Maybe even try one of the workouts out?

1 comment:

  1. Cruzy,
    I really enjoyed this post! It truly did make me want to get out there and pump some iron. Based on what you said about uphill running, I think that it would be very beneficial for me as a baseball player. It will increase my leg strength as well as endurance.
