Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Chocolate Clicker v0.0.1

Welcome back to my blog about Java Programming. In my previous blog I remade the basics of my chocolate clicker game which included a large chocolate button, a counter to keep track of your "CocoaCoins", once you get 100 CocoaCoins you can unlock dark chocolate. Dark chocolate makes your CocoaCoins go up automatically. In this newest version(v0.0.1) I cleared up the main screen by adding an upgrade tab that you can pop out.
As you can see in this picture it is much nicer, although still not the most ascetically pleasing, and the somewhat large icon of a locked upgrade has vanished. If you hover over the tab with an arrow the tab will grow slightly and if you move your mouse away it goes back to its normal size. If you click on the tab this screen slides smoothly across the screen.
The icon is still fairly large for an icon and nothing much has changed other than its location and the fact that when you press the little triangle in the bottom right the tab goes away along with the icon itself.

This may seem like it wasn't that hard to make but you'd be wrong, I came across many, many problems. The largest of which was making the locked chocolate slide out with the tab, which it still doesn't do I just decided to take a shortcut and it ended up looking fine, other than that the only other problem that didn't involve a simple typo was getting the letters to line up with the chocolate after you had already purchased one. Fixing the 2nd one caused many more bugs to arise, but as of now the game is working flawlessly. I would post the portion of code that involved the tab but i don't think my mom would like it if i told her i needed to print off 400 lines from one blog post. If you have any suggestions I would love to hear them and try to implement them in the game.


  1. Hi Juris,
    I think it's really cool that you were able make this with Java and it really reminds me of Cookie Clicker from a couple years ago. I think it'd be really cool if you could unlock more stuff with the chocolate.

  2. Hello Juris,
    This also reminds me of Cookie Clicker and I think that you should add more to the background instead of just one color. Maybe add more pictures or add other colors and change the design a bit.
