Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Yoga for emotional Balance Elena Semenova

Are you tired? Stressed? Nervous for finals? I can help you, with his easy and efficient pose you will totally feel better, less stressed and on top of all your finals and end of the year projects. “The reason why a person is stressed is usually because the neurons in your brain don’t move as much” ( Bo Forbes 98). I was so surprised to find that out, but doing this Viparita Karani Lotus pose will help your neurons and the nervous connections will align with your entire body, that will help the brain be calm because you are laying down and also the muscles in your body like in legs, will become relaxed being up against the wall. It’s really important to get the pose just right, because even If something is a little bit off, the effect won’t be the same and you won get the relief and the neurons won’t move as fast again. What I recommend and what I do myself is when you sit at the table and do your work or homework or studying, and you suddenly feel like you can’t really focus, if you don’t move as much when you sit down for a while, and you just need a break, put some relaxing music on and find a wall in your room and just put your legs up in the lotus pose against the wall, close your eyes and clear your mind for 8-11 minutes. But don’t try to fall asleep! If it’s hard to get all your legs all the way up against the wall in the lotus position, don’t worry! Sit on the floor in the lotus position for a couple minutes, stretch back and forth to the sides and back and forth to really stretch out your legs. Then just put your legs up against the wall just outstretched for now, and lay relaxed with your mind totally free of all your worries and your thoughts totally gone from your brain. Then you can totally do the Viparita Karani Lotus pose. To really achieve peace of mind and really gain emotional balance in that 8-11 minutes, you really have to let go of everything and focus on your breathing and your heart rate that’s what Bo Forbes says will really help you. I tried this myself and I can tell you for sure that the Viparita Karani Lotus pose really works and it helps me so much when I’m just so stressed and focused on my work for too long. I hope you guys try out this pose and tell me what you guys think and if it helped you!  

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