Sunday, January 29, 2017

Cooking: White Spaghetti

Today I made some white spaghetti with chicken on the side, one of my favorite meals for dinner. First off, the book said to boil the spaghetti in water for 15-20 minutes (Williams 72). Then, after I did that, I drained the water and put the spaghetti in a bowl. Finally, the book said, "Grind 1/2 a pound of feta cheese on top of the spaghetti and stir" (Williams 72). That gave the spaghetti a nice, cheesy flavor. I then added some chicken wings on the side for a more fulfilling dish. Overall, it was a fairly simple recipe and easy to make. Even with the simplicity, it was still very delicious. What are some other dishes to make with feta cheese as a main ingredient?

Williams, Carolyn Land., and Rachel Quinlivan. The Ultimate Kid-approved Cookbook: Delicious Food Kids Will Eat, Nutritious Meals Mom Will Love. New York, NY: Oxmoor House, 2011.

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