Saturday, January 28, 2017

3-D Geometric Origami Post #4

Nathan Cho
Geometric Origami #4

So a common theme or trend among my past folds was that they were very square or cube like. The module in this post is called the Modular Dimpled  Dodecahedron Ball, the differences of this piece is that the general shape of is triangular and it requires a connector to connect the modules. Since there are two different parts you can either fold all parts then go assembling or fold each part and add as you create more parts. The authors says "One might try to put modules together in groups of three and then put the groups together. I find this style more difficult than having a model 'grow' piece by piece" (Gurkewitz and Arnstein 12). Personally i just added piece by piece for this piece but i don't think it was a major factor into making it.

Step 1: To begin with you're going to want to start with a square piece of paper and fold it in half, corner to corner, and create a triangle. On the triangle fold and unfold on side so it touches the bottom of the triangle
 Step 2: Using the crease for a guide , fold a corner to the end of the crease line
 Step 3: So for this step you're going to fold and unfold the top part on the line. Then on the very lowest triangle fold it in half and unfold it.
 Step 4: You're going to next fold the top half over the bottom so that a tip is poking out and then fold and unfold the tip over to the main body. Then unfold the upper half

 Step 5: Separate the top piece fold the front piece into the pocket in the middle piece.
 Step 6: These modules use the pockets and points. The pocket is underneath the center piece where the arrow is pocket and the point is found on the top piece, the point is also highlighted in black. If connect six different modules you'll create a cone.

 Step 7: To create the connector take a square paper and fold the corners so it'll form a parallelogram. Then on the shorter sides fold the corners into the center again.

Overall, this piece was pretty easy even though it's kind of different from all my other modules. The fact that this one had connector didn't make it anymore difficult. I think that these modules were easier than the previous.

The question I want to ask you guys is when making a multi-part creation do you build all the pieces first before assembling or do you assemble each part as you create them 

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