For my final post I thought that I should include some color to my cupcakes. To add color I used four different colors to make a swirl frosting. I did three different designs for my cupcakes this time. The first design I did was a swirl. In this design you need a piping bag with a large nozzle tip or plain nozzle tip (45). To start the design you have to start from the outside edge and slightly lift the piping bag in a circle. This technique is amazing for the swirl frosting as well. This really brings out all the colors in the frosting. The next design that I did was the rosette. In this design you need a star nozzle for the piping bag. To make a rosette you have to squeeze the icing onto the cake and pull up sharply to break the icing (45). For all these designs you need to keep your hand very still. I made a couple of mistakes from moving too quick and not pulling up sharp enough. The last design I did was the blobs which need a plain nozzle tip for the piping bag. According to the book, "it's easiest working in ever-decreasing circles" (45). This design does not sound flattering at all but it is quite unique. It looks as if you put a lot of time into it, even though it was the quickest design that I have ever done. This design is very simple but can look effortless if you make the design the correct way.

Do you think by mixing the colors for my frosting that it made the cupcakes stand out more even with simple designs?
First Cake Decorating: Simple Cake Designs for Beginners. London: Collins & Brown, 2014. Print.
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