Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Softball: throwing

In this blog post I will be talking about throwing. For me especially, throwing is something that i can always improve on. Throwing is one of the basic skills to learn in softball but also one of the skills that takes practice. There are 4 main steps to throwing a softball. "throwing is an area that must not be under coached... 4 steps to throwing a ball is grip, star position, release and follow through" ( Veroni 103).

Step #1: Grip
"the player should grip the seams of the ball with three fingers across the seam and the thumb opposite the middle finger" ( Veroni 103 ).

Step#2: Star position
" the ball is brought back behind the head with the ball pointing down; and elbow parallel to the ground with upper and lower arm at right angle" (Veroni 103).

Step#3: Release
" The upper arm should remain parallel to the ground while to wrist snaps back, placing the ball facing up just above the head" ( Veroni 103).

Step#4: Following through
"And to completing the throw with a full follow through" (Veroni 104).

In these here pictures, I am getting grip in the first picture, then I'm in star position getting ready to release and follow through. For me, I have been shown many different ways on how to throw a softball, some tips help and some don't. Most of the time i throw what is most comfortable for me, but there also comes times when you need to throw a certain way to get the ball where it needs to go. But some people are so comfortable throwing  a softball a certain way you could be throwing incorrectly and is hard to change. 

Do you think an athlete would be better off following instructions on how to throw? Or whats most comfortable?


  1. Hi Jorja, I really like your post. I like how you tied in the importance of both following instructions and trusting your comfortable mechanics. I believe that being more comfortable with your throwing form is more important than classic techniques. But, do you think that you can become comfortable with following instructions by practicing? Or are some techniques too much?

  2. Makoa! Thank you for your feedback. But i would have to say yes, I think you can become comfortable with following instructions if you practice enough to where it becomes natural. Because throwing with whats comfortable is fine, but with following instructions and tips I think you can take what's important out of it and make it how you want it.
