Sunday, January 29, 2017

3-D Geometric Origami Post #5

Nathan Cho
Geometric Origami #5

For my last post I decided to make a Three-Loop Cubohedron. Personally the piece seemed really easy until it came to assembly which was the most difficult and confusing part of the piece. The books says "When reading a step of the diagram you must pay careful attention to all of the information in the step" (Gurkewitz and Arnstein 10). The way the book usually shows directions that are pretty easy to follow but this piece got pretty confusing towards the end. A quick note all  make before going into how to  make it, the module pieces are fold the exact same way as my very first piece, the Puzzle Cube.

Step 1: You're going to want to start with six of the modules used to create the Puzzle Cube
 Step 2: Next, you're going to want to connect two modules by unfolding the center of the piece and put the point of another piece into the center of the open module and fold it closed. Connect four of them to create a circle and connect the remaining two together.
Step 3: For this step you're going to collapse all the triangles inbetween the diamond patterns on the circle and other piece.
Step 4: The assembly process of both parts isn't easy to describe but one tip i have is to make a a triangle with three of the diamonds like shown in the picture below.

I definitely think the easiest part was creating the modules because of how i had already made it before. Without a doubt the hardest part of this creation is that the assembly. Not only is the assembly process awkward and difficult but the instruction are pretty vague and unclear.

So when the instructions to something aren't clear do you try to decipher the directions or do you go on your own trying to do it you way? 


  1. Hi Nathan!

    I totally understood how you felt with the directions being unclear and vague! I've had the same problems with my book when I made origami. To answer your question, I honestly give up, or make up a fold that looks close to the book, and pray that it won't end up looking bad. Which three fourths of the time it does.
    On another note, your directions on how to make this origami was very clear and detailed, which would help a lot if I were to make this Three-Loop Cubohedron. I was wondering, since it seems like you've made a couple modules before, what was the most difficult module you have ever made? Thanks for the the tips! I'll definitely use them in the future!

    1. Hi Thuy,
      Thanks for commenting and it's great to hear that you're able to fold some of the origami without the instructions. To answer your question I think either this post's origami or the origami in the second post was the most difficult.
