We all use tones of products. Like it or not, it's all marketing. These companies stress to you that you need these products or you won't be able to survive. And the funny thing is, many of these products work very negatively with our skin. Grigore says, "There's a widespread attitude that the things we put on our bodies don't affect our health as much as what we put inside of our bodies. But you'd better believe that beauty products and cosmetics penetrate your skin and get inside of your body, too. When you apply a cream and it disappears into your skin, that's exactly what its doing-going into your skin and traveling straight to your bloodstream" (Grigore, 126). So here is the list of products Grigore highly suggest you should avoid as best as you can.
1: Formaldehyde
Where is it found?: Nail polish removers, eyelash glue, hair gel, shampoos
Why is it bad?: When inhaled as a gas, it can cause pneumonia and bronchitis. It has also been linked to contact dermatitis and migraines.
2: Plastic
Where is it found?: shampoos, conditioners, and many other beauty products. Helps give products a more even consistency.
Why is it bad?: Affects hormones. It has also been linked to cancer. It also affects small fish and other marine animals when it gets into their water
Check the label for: Polyethylene
3: Petroleum (this one shocked me)
Where is it found: moisturizers, lip balms
Why is it bad?: Petroleum traps in water on your skin which clogs pores and prevents the skin from receiving oxygen
Check label for: petroluem oil/jelly
4: Coal Tar
Where is it found?: hair dye, shampoos (often in dandruff shampoos)
Why is it bad?: Coal tar causes skin sensitivity making it weaker over time
Check label for: coal tar
5: Lead
Where is it found?: hair dye, lipsticks
Why is it bad?: Linked to lead poisoning
Check label for: Lead acetate
I know that's pretty heavy stuff to process. But it's true, many of us are unaware about what is going into our bodies and how they truly affect us. Now of course you won't get lead poisoning from using lipstick once, but it never hurts to check your products and know how they are affecting you. Whether it be long term or short term.
Last post I made a little DIY face mask and I thought since our face is constantly getting love, we should give our hair a little love. So, I thought I would show you all how to make a super easy hair conditioner!
2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
1 egg
1/2 cup of beer
Put all of the ingredients into a small bowl, then whisk until the ingredients have completely mixed. And that's it! Crazy right? You can either pour the entire mixture right onto your head, wrap your hair in a towel, and leave on for 30 minutes to deep condition or, you can coat your hair with this mixture in the shower and rinse out completely. Avoid washing out with hot water because the egg may begin to scramble. Beer is full of B vitamins which help to repair damage and add volume. Eggs contain fatty acids which help moisturize and condition your hair. And apple cider vinegar help makes hair shiny and help clear out buildup in your scalp. I love using apple cider vinegar on my hair, it clears my scalp of any dry flakes and makes it so soft.
(Before whisking)
(after whisking)
I will be wrapping up my blog posts tomorrow and showing one more DIY product. This book has definitely opened my eyes to all of the chemicals that my products contain. So I would like to ask you, have you stopped using any products due to their ingredients? Did any of the ingredients I mentioned shock you? Cause they shocked me for sure.
Grigore, Adina. Skin Cleanse: The Simple, All Natural Program for Clean, Calm, Happy Skin. New York, NY: HarperCollins, 2015. Print
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