Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Betty Crocker - How to make the perfect rolled cookies

I made scotch shortbread for my fourth post. The directions told me to make the dough as directed and roll out part of the dough and chill the rest. I found that with the dough I made, the warmth didn't matter as much as other dough would have because of how crumbly it was.

It then said to lightly roll dough to desired thickness. I tries to do it as lightly as possible but every time I rolled out the dough it cracked everywhere, I compared it to a desert. I ended up squishing it together then squishing int down with my hands and a spatula.

I was supposed to dip the cookie cutter in flour so the dough didn't stick, which I did with the first 2 cookies, but then I realized it didn't make a difference whether I floured it or not. I ended up straying farther from the directions than I have in any of my posts. I did give up making the cookies after having to roll out the dough so many times so there was a bit of leftover dough.

If I do make this again, which I probably won't, I would maybe add a little bit of milk to make it not a crumbly mess. It was very frustrating making these cookies but I learned to exercise my patience and that cookies that take a lot of work sometimes don't taste amazing. The cookies were very bland and dry, probably needed to be dipped in something for them to taste better, like coffee or tea.


Mixing ingredients

Final dough

Cut out dough

Final product

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