Sunday, January 28, 2018

The Nimzo-Indian Defense

For my final blog, I've decided to look at the different kinds of defenses. Since I've been looking on how to attack my opponents and being able to achieve victory. Now I'm looking at the types of defenses to protect my king from being lost. There are many types of defenses for ex: Nimzo-Indian Defense, Queen's Indian Defense, and etc.

For the Nimzo-Indian Defense, the black side will have the upper hand due to the fact that it's protected at the end. However everything has a weak point, the king will have limited space to move around which means it would be much easier to get cornered and be checkmated much easier and faster. But with each protecting pieces played correctly it will be easy to defend and protect the king from danger. First up white will play its most second common move for white which is c4. Which then leads to Nc3, where the Knight on the white side will move towards the center in order to threaten the black side. Then the black side will have to move the king in order to be safe, which means the king will have to castle. So because the king is now in the corner its more protected because there are other pieces surrounding it to protect itself. This is shown in the text when it said "The Nimzo-Indian Defense is a very active defense for Black.  

Which then finally leads to the whites king to castle himself so it can protect its king from danger also. Now since there's nothing much left for black to do since this is basically the end of the defense. However according to the book it could continue like this, " 8 a3 Bxc3 9 bxc3 dxc4 10 Bxc4 Qc7"
Work Cited 
Snyder, Robert Michael. “Chess for Juniors: a Complete Guide for the Beginner.” Chess for Juniors: a Complete Guide for the Beginner, David McKay Co, 1991, pp. 179-184.

Question: Whether you play chess or not how would you defend your king from getting captured? 

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