Monday, January 29, 2018

Baseball Pitching (Post 4): Preventing injuries

Preventing Injuries

One of the biggest ways to improve your pitching and increase the amount of time you are able to pitch is to prevent injuries especially to your elbow.

How Do Injuries Occur?

Injuries can be caused by various actions, such as wrong form. When practicing incorrect form, it can increase in arm injuries to the elbow’s UCL is from incorrectly thrown “sliders” in which the forearm dangerously supinates at release, forearm is what stresses the UCL (Clark 68). On correctly thrown fastballs, the forearm safely pronates after release. On correctly thrown curveballs, the elbow safely hinges after a karate chop motion after release. On change ups, the arm also as it does on a fastball. Unfortunately, young pitchers throw too many “sliders” in which the forearm dangerously supinates at release. Pitchers would be much better off developing a cutter instead of a slider so the arm can safely pronate after ball release (Clark 68).
Image result for throwing curve balls
By turning your wrist to get the ball to spin, you can hurt yourself so it is important to take care of your arm

How to Prevent Injuries

The Biggest way to prevent injuries is to keep you and your arm conditioned throughout the entire season. This also helps you recover faster 
Clark, Dave. Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 2006. Print.

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