Saturday, January 27, 2018

Origami Hobby Post #3 - Ninja Star

So I'm kind of sick of doing animals, for my third post I'm going to focus on a more "fun" one. The good old ninja star. For this one I didn't really need to go to my book for this one, I kind of knew what I was doing but lets step it off using the book "Origami -300 ideas from the Internet" By Agatha Christe.

of course start with your initial crease down the center. "Fold the paper in half, so corners touch" (Christe).

Step 2  "Fold the sides both onto the crease, forming a double door-like figure"(Christe)

Step 3 was to make another half crease going "Hamburger way"

Step 4 was to do the same folding trick the other way, to make another double door.

Step 5 is tough to explain, the picture in the book really helps it out, but I cant really take a picture of that I don't think. Pull out the corners of each side of the double-door-like folds.

Step 6 and 7 were really just simple movements, folding the 2 opposite of each other in the left direction. Forming the ninja star.
Work Cited
                           Christe, Agatha. Origami -300 Ideas from the Internet. Agatha Christie, 20ADAD.                                                 

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