Sunday, January 28, 2018

Bigger, Leaner, Stronger: Fueling your body


             Bigger, Leaner, Stronger: How to eat properly 

       An important part of bodybuilding and staying fit in general is to eat healthy and stay fit. In the book Bigger leaner and stronger, the author Michael Mathews sheds light on eating healthy with this quote: "Some people say it's 70 percent of the game, while others say it's 80 or even 90 percent. Well, I say its 100 percent."(Matthew 75) Michael Matthew also says that "the building blocks of a great body are more like pillars than puzzle piece. Weaken one enough, and the whole structure collapses."(Meyers 75) I agree with Mathews points because to become bigger,Leaner and stronger you need to eat good food as "Fuel" to become Bigger, Leaner and Stronger. I start my meal prep with healthy foods, mostly protein based. In the image below, I make Chicken Afritada, a Filipino dish that mainly consists of Chicken, Tomato, Potato and Rice. This meal is lean and full of protein and carbohydrates. I recommend that if you were to start a diet in order to get leaner and stronger, that you prepare yourself foods that will allow you to obtain the right nutrients that your body needs.

Work cited

Matthews, Michael. Bigger Leaner Stronger: the Simple Science of Building the Ultimate Male Body. Oculus Media Group Llc, 2015.


  1. Well written Post Ryan! The food looks delicious. I did however in fact try to bodybuild earlier this year but i just wasn't consistent with good or right foods that i was supposed to eat. Protein is in fact good for your muscles and carbohydrates can be stored for energy later on. In fact, when you eat too much carbohydrates, it may affect your blood sugar levels. Have you seen results when bodybuilding? And what is more important in your opinion, protein or carbs?

    1. Thank you for commenting on my post, Christian! I have just started weightlifting seriously last month, and I have yet to see results. On my opinion on protein or carbs, I believe that for me, carbs are the most important to energize your body as you are weightlifting. I hope this comment helped you and good luck lifting!

  2. Great point Ryan! Food is a major player when it comes to fitness. I personally have heard many stories of people doing massive daily workouts, but gain no muscle due to poor diet. I wholly agree that diet is 100% of fitness. Overall, fantastic post!

    1. Thank you for the compliment Noah! happy lifting!
