Sunday, January 28, 2018

Lifting Day 5

Bodybuilding in the United States is massively growing competition, and a multi-million dollar industry. Bodybuilding is famous among both women and men, who show their ability to lift in front of nine judges. The contestants perform poses that are intended to show their muscle groups like arms, chest, abdomen, shoulders, back and legs (Susan Saliba 55). To achieve a better a look, contestants legally use oils to highlight certain body parts to stand out. Some contestants however, illegally use steroids prior to competitions to give themselves a competitive edge over the other competitors. More bodybuilding organizations are started to act against this, by having mandatory drug tests (Susan Saliba 56).
Another way you may also be judged on your level of strength, which is shown through being able to lift more than all the other competitors with proper form. Weightlifting and power lifting is based on sheer strength. There are a variety of exercises that are revolved around bench press, squat and dead lift. One exercise is called the snatch. This is when the contestant lifts the bar from the ground, above your head in one movement. Another exercise is the clean-and-jerk, which is like the snatch, but has the contestant lift the bar to their feet to their chest. After the bar rest on their chests, they then would lift it over their head, before dropping the weight onto the floor (Susan Saliba 57).
Works Cited
Saliba, Susan. The Basics of Weight Training. Weight Training, Mason Crest

     Publisher, pp. 1-64


  1. Nice post Essaw! I'm not planning on joining a competition, but this post is very informational, and has taught me different effectice excersizes.

  2. I'm glad that you also liked this post. Even if you don't join a competition, you may enjoy watching some competitions. I personally find motivation in the physical success of competitors who spend all their life training since they were a teen. If you decide to lift, you can also learn a lot from professionals by watching their form. I have learned a lot of what I know about weight lifting through watching Arnold Schwarzenegger.
