Monday, January 25, 2016

Yoga- Women Poetry

Hello! My posts are going to involve yoga, and learning about yoga, new poses, from people around the state. I think yoga is probably my favorite way to relax, and feel stretched out and prepared. It's calming and there are so many different forms of yoga, and ways to read yoga.

The first yoga guru I'm introducing is someone I've been following for a few years now. Her name is Jade Alectra. She's from Orange County, California. She's very kind, as I know her through my cousin, we do talk back and forth sometimes. She has the most vibrant soul. Jade is known for her way of doing yoga. It's called Woman Poetry. Women Poetry is doing and writing poetry through yoga. Finding poses and feels that you can't write down on paper. It's very deep, and interesting. You have to have full focus and emotion when doing some of her poses.

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