Thursday, January 14, 2016

Rule #25 (Have a Plan)

I absolutely love planning things. Making lists helps me cope with anxiety and the act of crossing off a completed task is very satisfying. I love feeling prepared for any situation and being able to map out exactly what needs to be done. Even if I'm only able to complete one small goal from a list, the act of setting out all of my goals helps keep me motivated to complete them in the long-run. So Rule 25 "Have a Plan" was great for me.

I have many goals and dreams in my life and since the book says, "If you don't plan your plan, it will remain a dream" (Templar 52). So I decided to plan out some of my dreams. One of the dreams I decided to focus on were future careers. I went through my top three career choices and researched  the training needed, salary, employment level, cost to achieve the goal, location, and my happiness level associated with that career choice. My choices were becoming a psychiatrist, psychologist, or to teach English abroad in foreign countries. This planning helped me gain a lot more knowledge on my future and what I could actually see myself pursuing. While I'm still not completely decided on what I want for a future career, planning out the possibilities was a fun experience.

The book says that, "Having a plan gives you a fallback position. When life gets hectic-and boy does it do that sometimes-it is easy to forget what we are here for" (Templar 53). So having multiple plans seems like a very reliable way to prepare for my future, and is there ever such a thing as being too prepared? Or does my love for planning make life too rigid and controlling? Currently I think I plan just enough and that's all that matters. The next subject I'm going to plan out are possible majors and colleges.

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