Monday, January 25, 2016


As the quarter comes to an end, I reflected upon my progress in organization. How have my organizational habits changed? Well, I went from my parents demanding that I clean my room every weekend to begging my parents to let me help them organize something. I have essentially become addicted to cleaning!

With my first project, cleaning my bathroom, I realized just how many items didn't bring my joy; items that I hadn't used for months or even years. Cleaning my bathroom also proved to me how easy it was to get rid of items, and how much stuff I just didn't need.

Cleaning my bedroom was definitely the most time-consuming project, but without a doubt the most satisfying. The energy of my room has totally transformed- it went from stressful and overwhelming to peaceful and calm. I appreciate the space and what I own much more than I did before.

The organization of the linen closet proved to be difficult in a different way. I had to cater to the needs of myself and my family, adding time to the project. I could make decisions much more quickly when organizing for myself rather than taking others and their belongings into account.

Organizing the pantry was a reminder of how accessibility is essential because it can quickly demonstrate what you have and what you may need. The efficiency this change has provided to my family and what we eat for dinner or buy at the store has been immense.

Overall, this process and lifestyle change has proved to be extremely beneficial to me and my family. I had no idea something as simple as organization could have such a significant impact on my life. I would also like to thank Marie Kondo, the author of this book and creator of this method. Even though organization isn't truly necessary, its definitely beneficial. (Kondo 203). This book has revolutionized the way I live my life!


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