Thursday, December 31, 2015

Samin Bahizad - Practicing left hand and playing octaves

After practicing my left hand I decided, this time, to practice my left hand again so I started from Exercise 13 again. In this lesson I understood what is allegro and the sign of f. "A few new symbols have been added to Exercise 13. The word allegro indicates the tempo, which means  'fast'. The f dynamic marking, which represents forte, means 'loud',"(Halpin, 30). After practicing my left hand again I tried to play octaves with the left hand. "In order to play an octave, you have to open up and stretch your left hand. The low note is played with your fifth finger, and the high note (located an octave above) is played with your thumb...Place your fifth finger on the low C key and your thumb on middle C and play Exercise 15... This is a good exercise to play often, so you can get accustomed to stretching the fingers on your left hand and getting the feel of playing octaves,"(Halpin, 31).
This was really because I have already practiced left hand so I was able to play octaves.



  1. I love the topic you chose, and you are progressing really well. Keep up the good work!
