Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Rolling on.

Today I decided to step it up a notch but also teach a more easier trick for Shasta. I chose 'roll over' and was pleasantly surprised to see that she caught on very quickly. I have noticed Shasta improving increasingly every day that I train her. She always gets very excited when the treats come out and will try to do anything you ask. But she still has tendencies to give up at times so there is still more room for improvement.
A tip I did not know about teaching a dog to roll over is that you should always do the trick on a rug or outside on the grass; "So you have a soft spot to roll over. If your older dog is reluctant to roll over, he may have a sore back."(Fogle 40)
This tip helped me make sure that we were on the carpet to it would not cause any harm on Shasta. I believe teaching her this trick on carpet gave her more confidence and caused a more positive result.
Another tip that efficiently helped with teaching Shasta to 'role over' was to pay attention if she is already laying on one hip. -"As he relaxes, pay attention to which hip he settles on. if he is resting on his right hip, he is already leaning to the right, making it easier for him to roll that way."(Fogle 40)
Fogle, Jean M. Tricks for Treats. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print.
By learning the tips to teach Shasta from the book Tricks for Treats, I have expanded my understanding what the dog needs to achieve tricks or any type of training. Does it seem like I am being to easy on her?

1 comment:

  1. i don't think your going to easy! I think what you are doing is good and is coming along well!
