Monday, December 28, 2015

Connor Anderson: Tip # 33: Establish an Exercise Routine

 "97 Things To Do Before You Finish High School"
Chapter: For Your Body
Tip # 33: "Establish an Exercise Routine" (Jenkins 78)

Sports and exercise have always been a pretty big part of my life, but as we all know, once you get into school (at least sophomore year), the work load gets tougher and you have less and less time to be exercising outside of organized sports. As baseball season creeps up, I know that I have to get into really good shape if I want a shot at varsity this year, so creating a workout plan to stick to sounds like a very helpful thing to do. My book says to establish an exercise routine, but it doesn't say anything about actually doing it, so that's where the tough part is. Over Christmas break is a good time to keep up with it every day, but when school's going on it will be a little tougher to stay consistent with it. The routine needs to be simple, fast, but focuses on the workouts that will make me stronger in the legs and upper body. Taking into account your limits when exercising, weight, height, and gender, can all be crucial when establishing a plan that is set to strengthen specific parts of your body for different, personal, purposes (Jenkins 78).

 The first picture is the upper body workouts that I have. I have a weight machine in my house, so that's what I use for my upper body work outs. The three parts of the machine that I use work the Pectorals, deltoids, triceps, biceps, and latissimus dorci (Lats). Working these muscle groups will help me pitch faster, and look better so that's a plus.

The second picture is my legs and agility workouts. To explain it in brief, there are plyometric workouts which means that they are moving and not working the muscles on a machine or something along those lines. There are many that I can do in my garage that work hamstrings, quadriceps, gluteus Maximus (butt), and gastrocnemius (calf). These types of workouts require just a little room and for some like the sprint ladder or side shuffles, require tape or ropes on the ground in the shape of a ladder.  

All in all, these workouts are easy to come up with when you know what you have to work on to become stronger, but the hardest part is executing it. Sticking to this plan daily will be a challenge but will be worth it come baseball season! I have been doing it for about a week now and I know that after continuously doing this for a few months, it will definitely improve my athleticism.

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