Saturday, December 26, 2015

Making Blueberry Pancakes with Kenny Goliff

One of my favorite breakfast meals (before I experienced the German Apple Pancake from one of my other blogs) has always been chocolate-chip pancakes. To this day, I still make them very often, at least once or twice a week. However, a while ago, the same old Bisquick recipe started to taste bland and repetitive. In the words of Bridget Lancaster, who made this recipe, “the pancakes that routinely appear in my house either are so tough and rubbery that they snap back and smack you in the face or they are so cottony and tasteless that they must be accompanied by a very tall glass of milk” (Lancaster 8). So, when I got my new cookbook I decided to try out a new recipe I found. 

This new recipe changed my life.

Since I first made these new pancakes, I have promised myself to never make Bisquick ones again. They are so much better in every way, from being easier to make to the overall sweeter taste. Also, the recipe suggests using blueberries as a topping in place of chocolate chips, which (in my opinion) tastes much better as well. Like Lancaster, my family and I came to the conclusion that pancakes are best when they are tender and fluffy (Lancaster 8).

Here is the first pancake made still in the pan:

After two minutes or so of cooking it, I put it on a plate...

Then the pile slowly grew bigger…

Then we enjoyed them!

What kind of pancakes do you like? This could include food coloring, toppings, amount of sugar in the batter (hopefully a lot) or anything else.