Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Camila Kang - Free Hand Drawing

Finally winter break and got the time to blog.
In the chapter of Line Drawing, the author explains that "the human figure is probably the most challenging of all subjects for an artist" (Barber 36). I cannot agree with this more, because we are very complex is so many ways, that it is hard to capture a person in one single picture.
The author begins the chapter with hands because "you can draw your own- they have the advantages of being very well-known to you and always available" (Barber 36). What I did is draw the hand that I'm not drawing with, which is my right. As usual, it didn't turn out very nice looking, or looked like my hand at all, but it didn't turn out too horrible. Holding my hand still, for a long period of time was tiring, and went to draw pictures of hands. It was an exercise of drawing what you see, which is a important aspect of an artist. It's also an skill that I would have to improve on later. My favorite part this chapter was to not go into so much detail, and even draw the shape of the hand, and not separate fingers and nails, which I have done later to save time and pencil lead.
My hand compared to my drawing and the pictures below are pictures on the internet and a book.

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