Sunday, December 10, 2017

Drawing: Horses

         I like drawing in my free time, and even though I usually draw flowers and people, sometimes I like to also draw animals. the basic animals to draw are cats and dogs and maybe bunnies but this time I tried to draw a little more complex animal such as the horse. Horses have long necks, long legs, and big bodies so sometimes it can be extremely difficult drawing an animal such as the horse, but through the guidance of tips, and techniques from my IRP book The Usborne Complete Book of Drawing designed by Nigel Reece and edited by Alastair Smith and and Judy Tatchell,  I have drawn a pretty good horse if I do say so my self.
       In the book, it says that all horses have the same type of structure for the head but even if they have the same structure, they can slightly different proportions such that one horse head can have a much leaner or less defined shape while another horse's head can have a more rounder and more defined shape (Alastair, Tatchell 33). In the drawing below you can see that the head of the horse I drew has a really well defined shape. I used the tips in the book to outline the shape and I did that with a black sharpie. also the head I drew is round and more fuller as you go from the mouth to the ears.  Another thing that the book stated that helped me with my drawing was how to draw the pace of the horse and I decided to draw the horse doing a canter. The book states, "This is a bounding, rocking, three-beat movement. The horse sets down one back hoof, then a pair of diagonals, the the last front hoof " (Alastair, Tatchell 35). In the drawing I drew, I tried to draw the horse doing the canter. I wasn't perfect but you could see that 1 leg is on the ground, 2 legs parallel and diagonal, while the front one looks like it will touch the ground last. Through the tips of the book, I drew a horse that resembles one in real life. I decided to be creative and color the horse in rainbow and add in different patterns just to give it a bit of a spark, but overall I would say the drawing came out great.

How do you think the horse came out?
Do you like that I made it with different colors and different patterns or would you just have preferred it as the normal colors?
If you like to draw, then what animals do you prefer to draw?
Smith, Alastair, and Judy Tatchel. The Usborne Complete Book of Drawing. Usborne Pub., 2009.


  1. Excellent, Keerat! I like how you got creative with your horse, rather than coloring her in with a solid, bland color. I would suggest that you try shading her in (if you by any chance try drawing her again). It will give your horse more life and dimension. Personally, I like drawing people, but sometimes I draw Japanese cartoon character for fun. Other than that, get crafty! I am dying to know what you will do next!

    1. Thank You so much Brandon! Honestly, I like to get creative with my drawings. But I like your advice, maybe next time i draw an animal with different colors, i can give it some shading to give more dimension. That will definitely enhance my drawing much more. For now i don't know what I will draw next, but I will definitely keep reading my book and find something.

  2. Keerat,
    I like the style and the design of your horse, it is very unique and well drawn. I also liked the way you explained how you drew the horse by breaking down each part. You started with the head and gave a clear explanation on how you developed the horse from there. Personally, this helped me understand how you would draw an animal such as a horse. I believe that horses are hard to draw but i typically don't draw animals at all. I was just wondering how you drew the horse so proportionally? For example, the legs looking the same, the head perfect for the body, etc.

    1. Tionna,
      I am so glad you liked my drawing. I agree with you, horses are hard animals to draw. At first i decided to just draw the head and the hair, but the proportions of that turned out really bad so i scrapped that. The head was really big since it was the only thing i was drawing and it didn't look so well. I decided to draw a full horse and made the head smaller. I looked at the head and from their on I tried to draw a good proportion for the body. I thought that 2 and a half horse heads was a good length for the body. After that i drew the tail, and I basically made the legs as long as the tail. And then at the end after I drew the outline, I thought the proportions were pretty and and then i colored it in. Hopefully this can help you if you ever decide to draw a horse and don't know how to proportion it.
