Saturday, December 30, 2017

Healthy Breakfast Smoothie

Welcome back!
In my first post, I mentioned that one of my goals for this project was eat a healthier, more balanced diet, that would help support me in my fitness/wellness journey. In the third part of Ballerina Body by Misty Copeland, Copeland gives both nutritional advice and a handful of healthy recipes. I have always grown up in a very healthy household, where my parents rarely buy any junk food. I've also been vegetarian my entire life. However, my eating habits are not always the best.

This is especially true when is comes to breakfast. I personally hate eating breakfast, eating early in the morning usually makes me feel nauseous. Usually on school mornings, I skip breakfast and end up eating later in my classes.

This bad habit leads to lack of energy that I desperately need early in the morning. I also end up constantly snacking because I'm not full or satisfied. I need a boost of energy that can help me get through a long day of school and 4-5 hours of dance that night.

Misty Copeland dedicates a few chapters of her book to explaining different food groups/types, and how they will be beneficial to your journey. I focused on chapter 8, Eating for Energy. Reading this chapter and Misty's tips will help me find healthy recipes that will give me energy and keep me satisfied between meals, but aren't too heavy.

Copeland stresses the importance vegetables, and how they will provide you with the nutrients and vitamins needed to support a healthy lifestyle. "Besides helping to control weight and being loaded with fiber, vegetables are also full of vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals, from cancer-fighting lycopene in tomatoes to the alphabet soup of vitamins- A,C,K- offered by various greens" (Copeland 115). She also talks about the importance of fruits keeping you full for a long period of time. "Fruits are a potpourri of vitamins, phytochemicals, and fiber that leave your feeling full as well as enhance your health" (Copeland 116).

I chose the recipe called "The Ballerina Smoothie" to make for my breakfast. She recommends this as apart of her provided meal plans (Copeland 203). I love making smoothies in the morning because they are easy, as well as filling. I also love the taste and energy boost from the different fruits and vegetables.

Ballerina Smoothie:
- 1/2 cup of berries (any type)
- 1 handful of baby spinach
- 1 cup of nondairy milk (almond, soy, or coconut milk)
- 2 teaspoons of agave syrup or honey (optional)
(Copeland 203).

I chose to use soy milk because I had it on hand. I also chose to use agave syrup because I'm not a fan of honey.

Before and after blending

I made this smoothie for breakfast, and it kept me full and away from snacks until lunchtime. It also had a great sweet taste. I would definitely recommend this recipe to anyone else who may not enjoy a heavy breakfast, or just loves a good smoothie.

What is your go-to breakfast food? Or, what is your favorite kind of smoothie?

Copeland, Misty, et al. Ballerina Body: Dancing and Eating Your Way to a Lighter, Stronger, and More Graceful You. Sphere, 2017.


  1. Great post Grace! I was wondering, was it difficult to find all of the ingredients, for those who might want to just make one on a whim. Thanks!

    1. Thank you for commenting Katie! The ingredients were not difficult to find, I got them all from my local grocery store. It also wasn't too expensive, and I could make 2-3 smoothies.

    2. That's really helpful to know! Thank you!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I loved this! I have the same habit of skipping breakfast in the morning since it also makes me feel nauseous but I am also trying to change that. I will be trying this recipe soon because my mom and I love making smoothies and trying new recipes. To answer your question my favorite smoothie would have to be a banana and strawberry smoothie. A question for you, do you think from now on you will be making smoothies for breakfast instead of skipping it?
