Sunday, December 31, 2017

Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain

December 31, 2017

Drawing with your imagination

     Drawing is a way to pass your free time, and is usually something you would do as a kid. It has some benefits like improving your mental health. I used to draw all the time as a kid because it was just something to do when I was bored. I was never good at drawing unless i was tracing over an image so I want to improve and advance my skills.

     At the very start I never really thought too in depth on the process of drawing it was more of a sketch it and be done. This book has told me that drawing comes from your ability to "see". Which means your creativity and imagination. "To put it more precisely, most people never learn to see well enough to draw." There are certain techniques and tips you can use to really improve your abilities, drawing comes from your own creativity and how you want to shape and draw objects.

     First you want to just find your style, such as drawing with a serious style, comedic, or simple stick figure like drawings. The author writes about how the key is to keep drawing the same thing over and over again, and each time it should be improved (7).

This is my first demonstration, and a question i have for you is are you a good enough drawer to use only your imagination?


  1. The action of drawing anything you can visualize, complicated or not, is generally referred to as concept drawing.

    1. Thank you for this helpful information, i personally did not know that.
