Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Betty Crocker's Cooky Book - How to Make the Perfect Drop Cookies

I made Coconut Kisses from Betty Crocker's Cooky Book using the directions on how to make the perfect drop cookies.(All of these quotes are from page 7) "If dough is soft, chill,"(I was not able to do this because my cookies where more of a meringue than a dough.) "Spoon up dough as recipe directs," (I spooned the dough with a cookie scoop about 2" apart.) "Bake minimum time in preheated oven," (I baked my cookies for a little less than 20 minutes.) "Test cookies by touching lightly with finger. If almost no imprint remains and cookie is golden brown, it is done." (Since my cookies were more like meringues my cookies were slightly darker in color but not golden brown and were hard but flaky to the touch.) "Perfect drop cookies have: Fairly uniform mound shape, delicately browned exterior, and good flavor." (My cookies were around the same shape, they were not golden brown but more of an off-white, and they had an amazing coconut flavor.) I think that if I were not to have known the put them in the oven for the least amount of time I might have over cooked them, and I now know not to take them out of the oven to early or else the middles fall in because the outer shell is not fully cooked.

My ingredients

The recipe

Beating the egg whites

Mixing sugar into the beat egg whites

Mixing the coconut into the egg and sugar mixture

The cookies in the oven

The cookies about 5 mins before they were done

The final product
If you guys made these would you make them differently? Would you add different things or make them different flavors?


  1. I love this idea for cookies! I absolutely love coconut so this is an amazing post for me. I really enjoyed looking at the steps that you pictured above making the cookies it helps me see the steps more clearly. I also got to taste them and they were delicious. To answer your questions, I would make them the same or else I would probably mess up the recipe. Do you think the cookies would've had a different texture if you left them in the oven for a longer time?

  2. In the cookbook they have a couple different flavors like chocolate that you can make instead of plain vanilla and coconut. I think the cookies wouldn't have fallen if i had let them cook in the oven longer for the outer shell to harden completely, but other than that i think they would have stayed the same
