Thursday, November 30, 2017

Weight Training

There are two different ways to approach weight lifting being either the use of freeweights or the use of a weight machine. Both of these have their pros and cons. This is supported by the quote "A huge number of different exercises can be performed with the most basic set of freeweights" (Susan Saliba 12). Weight machines also have there bright side being "They are safer to use because they are designed to hold you securely while training. You can usually life more because you do no have to worry about balance" (Saliba 12). A con to using freeweights may also be that it could be more dangerous, especially if you do not have a spotter, (which I don't) and then can lead to an injury. 
Using a close grip on bench is harder to control the form because mostly works out your triceps. A normal grip is easier to control because it works out a wider spread of muscles being the triceps, chest, shoulders and lats.
Do you think that it's better to just work out with machines instead of freeweights to avoid the risk of an injury. If I were to just use machines to lift, would I still make as many gains than if I were to use freeweights?

Works Cited
Saliba, Susan. The Basics of Weight Training. Weight Training, Mason Crest
     Publisher, pp. 1-64


  1. Based on my experiences at the gym, one can get the same good workout with machines as with free weights. In my opinion, you just have to know how to properly use the machines and what the weight and reps should be. Do you think that it differs depending on what muscles you plan to work out?

    1. I feel a difference when I work triceps, biceps and chest, but when I do back of leg day I don’t feel a huge difference. I’ve seen a lot of people injure themselves lifting to much weight with their back and legs, so I try to do everything I can to avoid using free weights for those workouts. I really like using machines because it’s a lot easier to have slow controlled reps as to freeweights where I feel compelled to rush through my set because I lift without a spotter. I previously haven’t felt that machines were increasing my gains as much as free weights for chest, biceps and triceps and have been leaving the gym not feelings as satisfied. Now I will try to lift using more weight and decreasing reps to 5 sets of 7 reps on machines and see of that will help my gains. Thank you for your comment Nathan, and I will try to integrate machines more inside my work outs all around. Do you think that leaving the gym not feeling like you have made gain is the reality of you not making gains because I feel as if machines are doing nothing, but I have not tried them for a long enough period to have an actual gauge.
