Sunday, November 29, 2015

The Balance and Posture of Pitching with James Billotti Jr

                                                                                                                                                    Billotti 1
James Billotti

10th Honors English


Baseball has been my sport since I was 5, and I have always been a pitcher, but I'm looking into this book to help improve my game even more.

Hello my name is James Billotti, and I'm doing my book on how to pitch a baseball. The main part of what I'm explaining in this blog, is what I have learned so far in pitching, and that is balance and posture. To start off, the book I chose was "The Art & Science Of Pitching" by Tom House, Gary Heil, and Steve Johnson. The main complex of the book is to tell and teach one proper form in the act of pitching. The 1st part I have read has taught me about proper balance and motion towards the plate. The reason I look to improve my balance and posture is because when there is movement in your motion that is not needed, it can cause ones body and head to move, therefore effecting the overall placement of the pitch.   

"Balance involves aligning the head, spine, and belly button between the ball of the foot/arch complex at the start of the delivery, when the knees are flexed and the weight is equally distributed between the feet, which are spread inside the width of the torso." (House 20)  

"For a pitcher, posture involves finding a spine-to-hip angle, as well as an angle of flexion in the knees, that will stabilize and maintain the head and spine, while the body remains on-line to the plate and allowing little or no up or down head movement throughout the pitcher's delivery." (House 21)

What I choose to do was take multiple pictures from the front and side, showing the placement of my head, spine, and ball. What I have learned after tons of practice, was balance and posture is the most important part of pitching. When I tried to throw the ball with bad balance and posture (head rocking, and legs not coming set or flexing) I missed and threw no strikes, but when I had no movement from the head and my spine-to-hip angle was right almost all my pitches were strikes.
Do you guys think by improving my balance and posture in pitching it can help my balance and posture in other activities?


  1. I mostly think that this will help you improve your posture in other activities because it is a balance exercise. But also you are balancing on one leg and I don't think you really do that anywhere else except baseball.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I do think that improving your balance when pitching will help your balance overall.

  4. To answer your question, improving your balance when pitching would definitely help your balance overall because the fact that you stand on one leg and have to pitch the ball at a fast pace seems very impressive and keeping balance is the key.
