Sunday, December 11, 2016

The Art of Origami Part 2

The book "Origami Art" has taught me a lot. Michael G. Lafosse and Richard L. Alexander have very descriptive information about the techniques that are provided when making origami. The authors say that " Origami art as a recent development is indeed a strange type of art." (Lasfosse, Alexander, 6). I understand where they are coming from when that say this since at first it may seem odd when you are able to create something from paper without glue or tape.

For my 2nd post I've created a Mudarri Luna Moth."The Luna Moth is an exquisite creature. The vibrant color and slender hind wings seem much too showy for an animal that is active only at night." When i created this moth i used floral print origami paper so then the moth wouldn't look so plain like the previous flower i created. Compared to the flower i made before this was slightly more complicated due to the precise folds that are provided, but it was fun to make. I was happy with the outcome because it turned out looking just like the photo.

What would you make out of paper?

LaFosse, Michael G., and Richard L. Alexander. Origami art: 15 exquisite folded paper designs from the Origamido Studio. Tokyo: Tuttle Pub., 2008. Print.


  1. Hi Krislyn!
    Your origami moth looks absolutely stunning. I see how you chose the flower printed origami paper instead of a solid color origami paper, and I must say it does make the moth look more appealing.
    Since you said this origami moth was more complex than your firs one due to its precise folds, I was wondering which fold you had the most trouble with? I had diagrams to help with my folding and that was a huge help. Did yours have diagrams for help?
    To answer your question, I would like to do an origami Llama for my next one since it looks really cute, and fun to make. But, I have a feeling I might be pulling my hair out because of it. It seems harder than my first one which was an origami fox. Anyways good luck on your origami folding!

    1. Hey Thuy,
      When i made this moth i had trouble folding and pinching the wings precisely since i did have diagrams but they weren't enough, but i eventually was able to make the folds as instructed it just took a bit more time. As for your answer to the question i can relate because sometimes i can get frustrated when i have a problem with origami.

  2. Hi Krislyn,
    Your origami looks so cool. When you compare your origami to my origami you are more advance. How long have you been doing origami?

    1. i used to be obsessed with origami when i was in elementary school. i just now got back in touch with is for this assignment. So maybe 2 years.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The choice of paper can really impact the outcome of your product, and this case i think that the choice of floral paper really made the moth pop. Through my experience with origami i found it very interesting making something that transforms. I once made a box that turned into a lotus flower which was a bit difficult but very worth in the end as it looked pretty stunning and was fun to fidget around with. Anyways i think your origami projects look very intricate and nice so keep up the good work!
