Saturday, December 31, 2016

Icing The Cookies

               I realized my mistake with the dough of the sugar cookies of my first post and fixed them. I used the wrong type of flour. This was due to me not reading the labeling of the flour containers. The next thing I’ll work on is getting the cookies to maintain a shape.

               “This time I focused on icing but even that didn’t turn out how it should ideally. It was a bit waterier than I thought it would look. However, it did turn out better than I was expecting and I failed to use common sense to come to the conclusion that adding more dry ingredients would make the icing more solid. The recipe goes as follows.

-2 pounds powdered sugar
               -1/2 cup meringue powder
               -1 cup water
               -2 tablespoon corn syrup

               The steps basically consisted of mixing all the ingredients together so there wasn’t any way to mess that up.  I mixed in some food coloring and lined the outside of the cookie to create a barrier that would hold the other icing that I thinned out with water. As she talks about icing techniques on page 16, she also adds that “the stiff icing is perfect for outlining…”.

               I then waited over night for the frosting to dry. The cookie was very sugary but then again I didn’t really know how else I would expect it to taste. Making sugar cookies doesn’t seem like such a good idea in hindsight but I will continue to struggle through and make them even better.

               Any ideas for potential designs to include in my next blog post?


  1. Good job on the cookies this time, it definitely sounds like they came out better than the last ones. I admire your perseverance, because I know how frustrating making sugar cookies can be. While baking my own sugar cookies, I found that putting them in the freezer for about 5-10 minutes right before baking them helps to maintain their shape. As for some design ideas, maybe you can try some interesting cookie shapes and work off that.

    1. Thanks for your insight! When I reread the instructions I realized that I skipped over the section where she talked about putting cookies into the freezer.

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