Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Decorating with Many Techniques - Post #1

Making pastries has been a part of my life for a while. Ever since I was young, I have made cakes, cupcakes, pies, and more. I used to watch my grandma in the kitchen make cakes and she would let me help her. Ever since then, I have loved to make pastries. Something that is even better than making pastries alone is decorating them. Cake decorating has changed so much over the recent years and there is so many thoughts you have to put into it like the type of cake, the size of the cake, the flavors of the cake and icings, and so much more (6). That is the joy of making pastries. There is so much you can do with baking. That is why I enjoy it so much.

The technique I used here is called feather icing. This creates an elegant look on cupcakes. The icing I used here is called glacĂ© icing. This icing is very thick and leaves a shiny effect after the icing dries. To make this effect on the cupcakes, this book suggests, "Draw a cocktail stick or fine pointed knife through the piped icing in one direction and then in the opposite direction to create the feather pattern. Work quickly or the icing will form a skin and set before the pattern has formed" (69). The first cupcake I decorated looked a little messed up because I didn't work fast enough like the book stated. In the picture the person was using a toothpick, but I didn't have a toothpick so I used a small knife.

Question: What kind of pastry should I decorate next? What kind of decorations should put on it?

First Cake Decorating: Simple Cake Designs for Beginners. London: Collins & Brown, 2014. Print.                         


  1. Love your design on the cupcake!! To answer your question I think you should decorate a cake because of how big the cake is. Maybe since the Holidays are coming you should do a Christmas theme.

    1. Thank you! I will try to make a holiday themed cake next time I decorate one.

  2. Your design turned out great! I think you should decorate a cake or cupcakes with a draping technique using royal icing to make the cupcake more complex.

    1. Thank you Ritu! glace icing was a bit harder to work with since it dried up so fast. I don't really think that I would try working with it again. But I will without doubt try royal frosting.

  3. I think your design was really nice and elegant! I think that the next pastry you should decorate should be a different kind of cake or cupcake so that there are different colors, textures, and tastes.

    1. Thank you so much! I will try to include more color in my cupcake decorations.
