Wednesday, November 30, 2016

softball: Pregame motivation

For my Quarter 2 IRP project, i decided to expand my knowledge and skill of softball. I have been playing since i was a little girl, but as i'm getting older i'm beginning to play more and more of it. I know the game very well. But to get better I have to be open to new skill technique. This quarter i hope to improve my skill and knowledge of the game to better myself for the upcoming season. Reading this book will help me focus more on my needs and goals to become a better softball player.

For my first post, i thought i would start with pregame motivation. For me, getting motivated before the game with my team is a good way to have a good attitude and mind set before going out into the field. Because going out into the field with a negative attitude can effect how i play. "Make your players believe they are prepared... stay positive and in good spirits. It will keep your athletes loose" (190).

Having a good mind set and attitude helps me be mentally prepared and ready for whatever is going to happen on the field. To being on defense and being ready for the play, to being on offense and doing the best you can to score / getting on base even cheering on my teammates and make them feel supported.

In my opinion, i think having a pregame motivation or pep talk can be a great way to get in the right mind set before the game. Then you can move towards your goals and move towards the right direction, being open minded and in good spirits. With a negative mind set you're not moving towards your goal and can bring the team spirit down. Overall, with your teammates and working together towards a common goal and with a positive attitude you can go as far as you want.

Whats your way of getting prepared before a sports game? or an event?


  1. I agree 100% with everything you've said. Going into a game with a negative attitude can greatly effect the outcome, not just for yourself but for your whole team too. That's why I think it's important to make sure you're surrounded by supportive and enthusiastic people to help you prepare and get pumped for a game.

  2. Thank you for your feed back Allison.And i totally agree with you, it's not only good for yourself but for everyone to be in good mind set before playing.
