Hello! Welcome back to my blog, and sadly, my final post. I hope everyone's day is going well and hopefully you are enjoying your Sunday. Today in this post, I will be informing you on how to properly use the incline leg press. Personally, I love to use the leg press machine because it helps strengthen my legs for basketball, and strong legs are critical to playing defense. This machine is fantastic for strengthening the quadriceps, gluteal muscles, and hamstrings.
The way in which you position your feet on the foot plate determines what muscles you are working out. You can switch the location of your feet on the foot plate to target different muscles. There are a total of five different foot positions that I will be going over. The first foot position is with your feet high on the foot plate. This position targets the gluteal muscles and the hamstrings. Another way, you can place you feet is low on the foot plate. Placing your feet low on the foot plate works your quadriceps. You can place your feet far apart to strengthen your adductors. Place only your toes on the foot plate to strengthen your calf muscles. Finally, put your feet close together on the platform to strengthen your quadriceps.
Utilizing the incline leg press machine is good for people who have endured back injuries. Delavier writes "People with back pain who are unable to perform squats can do this exercise. However, they must never lift their back off the back pad" (Delavier 135). Using the incline leg press machine is a excellent replacement to squats if you suffer from back pain.
When you are in the gym exercising you always have to keep your safety in mind. Always be cautious and safe. Some tips and reminders that you should remember while using the incline leg press are, when you are done with a set always remember to put the safety bars back on. Also, don't add to much weight because increased weight raises the chance of getting injured or overworking a muscle. Finally, make sure to always have proper foot position because you don't want to lose your footing and have the foot plate come down on you. However, if this does happen there are bars that will stop the weights from crushing you.
Thank you for taking the time to read my post. I appreciate it a lot! This has been a fun and great experience, and I am sad that it has to come to a end. However, I hope the workouts I have written about help you reach individual fitness goals and build strong muscles. As you already know, I enjoy doing this exercise to strengthen my legs for basketball. So, my question for you is, what exercises do you like to do that help you perform the sports or activities you love?
Works Cited
Delavier, FreÌdeÌric. Strength Training Anatomy . Third ed., Human Kinetics, 2010.
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